My Top Ten Favorite Megas.
I'll be judging them on with be on a couple different things: How good the Pokemon is in battle, how good the design is, and how much the Pokemon need the boost from getting a mega in the first place. Also these are just my opinions.
10. Aerodactyl
Aerodactyl is one of those Pokemon that needed a mega mostly because while his Attack and Speed are decent everything else about it is pretty bad, an effect not helped by his typing of Rock/Flying and lackluster abilities. Thankfully though Gamefreak decided to give the fossil Pokemon a break and give him a mega, granted his still not very good stat wise but come on guys, he has a rock for a goatee, that's cool man.
9. Abomasnow

Abomasnow is like Aerodactyl in that it was a good, but not great Pokemon but with a more evened out stat table. With his mega though, he has some genuine bulk to him, and has the highest Attack and Special Attack of none legendary Grass Pokemon. I do wish they had given him a different ability though, Snowcloak, Thick Fat, or Filter anyone?
8. Mewtwo
Mewtwo is one of those Pokemon that was good before but now is really good. With the genetic Pokemon getting two megas, I'm giving the shout out to Mewtwo X for the Physic/Fighting typing and Steadfast ability.
7. Gyarados
Other then the starters, Gyarados is probably the most famous Pokemon of the first generation, so it makes sense that the Dragon looking Water/Flying Pokemon got a cool mega and while hes still not a dragon type the Water/Dark type at least gets rid of the 4x weakness to Electric moves and the Mold Breaker ability means he can hit those Levitating foes. If your looking for more just look at the dang thing, that's about as cool as a fish can get.
6. Gardevoir
I am a huge fan of both Gardevoir and its counterpart Gallade, so when I heard that the Embrace Pokemon was getting a mega as well as a Physic/Fairy typing I was excited. Stat wise shes still a Special attacker and Special Defender but gains the Pixilate ability to help ward off those pesky Dragon types. I do wish her design would have been given more effort though but you never know, Mega Gallade could look like a groom.
5. Kangaskhan
Kangaskhan from the start was one of those Pokemon that's was just there, nobody hated her but nobody liked her either and given her stats and abilities I can see why. But that all changed when the head of Pokemon Co showed a preview of her last year before the release of X and Y. Mega Kangaskhan is a boss with boosts to almost every stat and an exclusive ability: Parental Bond giving the BABY THE ABILITY TO ATTACK TOO, that may not be the best mother-child bonding experience but is really cool.
4. Mawile
Mawile was another one of those Pokemon that never seemed to catch a break, her abilities were perfect, her new Steel/Fairy typing was close to having no weakness, her move pool was one of the widest, but her stats were some of the lowest of any Pokemon ever. Luckily Gamefreak smiled on Mega Mawile and gave her boosts to everything but Speed and HP and the Huge Power that doubles her Attack to an epic 210. Glad to see you finally get some love Mawile.
3. Charizard
Fans of Pokemon for a while will probably know the Flame Pokemon was getting on this list, after all he and Mewtwo were the only Pokemon with two Megas, one for X and one for Y. While Charizard X gets more love in the mechanizing department Charizard Y has been seen on in the Meta game more often. Both have good stats and a different ability each, Tough Claws and Drought respectively. All in all, no matter which you like better both are very coolly designed and good battlers.
2. Aggron

Aggron is my favorite Rock type and second favorite Steel type so having him at second was a no brainier. Becoming a pure Steel type he sheds of the 4x weakness to both Fighting and Ground and trades it for the Filter ability. Stat wise the Iron Armor Pokemon is still a defensive wall with a good 140 Attack stat. To sum it all up, Mega Aggron is a wall that shoots back at you.
1. Lucario
Hands down Lucario is my favorite Pokemon so needless to say, the Aura Pokemon's Mega form is my number one. The Fighting/Steel type gets already good stats to downright awesome stats and the Adaptability ability to boost STAB moves. With Special Attack to rival legendary Pokemon and the highest Speed of any Steel types, Mega Lucario is definitely a force to be reckoned with. And the Mega also gets the award for coolest basis for design: tribal warriors from Jamaica and Africa.
So those are my top ten Favorite Megas, but with 25 individual Pokemon to choose from here are some honorable mentions: Absol, Heracross, Ampharos, Alakazam, Manectric, Garchomp, Blaziken, and Tyranitar.