Ghost is the most common name for the disembodied undead and each have many different agendas, depending on the myth. The Ghost type projects this really well, from there immunity to Fighting and Normal type moves, to the subject of this article: their Pokedex entries.
The Pokedex is the first piece of equipment that you get in most Pokemon games and tells a little about each Pokemon you come across. These tid-bits of info are usually known to be strange and downright creepy so today I'm going through some of the creepiest Pokedex entries (Ghost type only.)
Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure
"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns."
(Litwick; Pokemon: Black)
"The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on."
(Lampent; Pokemon Black 2 and White 2)
"Being consumed in Chandelure's flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind."
(Chandelure; Pokemon X)
So not only do these Pokemon steal souls from people, they actually live off them? This this is just a lose-lose situation: If the trainers keep these guys away from cities the entire species would die from lack of food, but if trainers did nothing then HUMAN SOULS WOULD GO MISSING.
(Pokemon Y)
Speaking about eating, this Pokemon enjoys eating prey so much that it SINGS SONGS WHILE YOU DIE. I don't think that I need to explain any more about this just-just leave Gourgeist, leave.
(Pokemon Y)
This one is really scary when you realize that nobody knows what happens to the kids afterwards. One rumor says that they take them to the Underworld, another says that the child is used to make another Drifloon, but nothing official, not even another Pokedex entry, tells what happens. The scariest thing for me though is its location in Sinnoh: the only place to get one is on Fridays at night outside the Valley Windworks; where the daughter of Windworks hangs out. Add to that the fact that Drifloon is actually cute, meaning that kids will actually want to hold these Pokemon, and you have the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing of the Pokemon world.
There are many more ghost types with creepy Pokedex entries, but if I listed them I wouldn't have anything for next year. :) So good night and Happy Halloween.
Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure picture from
Gourgeist picture by Hyshirey from
Drifloon picture from