like to list my Top Five Favorite Season One Episodes. Also:
With that out of the way here we go.
5.The Heart is A Lonely Hunter
Sheriff Graham was one of the only guys to be seen as helpful and able to resist Regina's fear factor and this episode both fleshed him out and added a good bit of back-story to him in the Story world.
4.The Price of Gold
I could recommend this episode just by Jessy Schram's performance of Cinderella/Ashley Boyd, her acting was some of the most convincing I've seen and both Cinderella's and Ashley's dedication to her child was honorably even going toe to toe with Rumpelstiltskin/ Mr. Gold, even being the reason Rumple was in a cell until the curse was brought around.
3. Dreamy
Grumpy was easily the most complex of the Dwarves and this episode helped solidify this. Born Dreamy he fell in love with a fairy named Nova, but since both are forbidden to love at all it ends very sadly for both Dreamy and Nova, leading Dreamy to break his pickax and be renamed Grumpy. In Storybrooke Leory, Grumpy's Storybrooke form, and Mary Margrette try to sell candles for local nuns, one of which is Nova's Storybrooke form. The lengths Leory goes to to impress Nova are both funny and admirable at the same time.
2. That Still Small Voice
Dr. Hopper is still very much my favorite character in OUAT and this episode added a great back-story to his Story world counterpart: Jiminy Cricket. This episode also gives Hopper some much deserved screen time and tells a good story in both Storybrooke and Story World. In Story World Jiminy is the son of two thieves and wants out so bad that he makes a deal with Rumpelstiltskin that ends up killing young Geppetto's parents by mistake. To make amends he has a fairy turn him into a cricket and become Geppetto's consonance. In Storybrooke Dr. Hopper is threatened by Regina to stop Henry's ideas about the curse or else and the following story is both interesting and marks one of the first acts of defiance towards Regina by a town member.
1. Skin Deep
Rumpelstiltskin is probably one of my favorite villains of all time and this episode is part of that reason. One of three episodes fleshing out him by placing him as the Beast from the story of Beauty and the Beast. When I was watching the first few minutes of this episode I thought this would be a bad episode where Rumpelstiltskin would just become a wuss forever but I was incredibly wrong. The relationship between both him and Belle was both growing and going so well that I was sure Rumple was playing a trick on Belle but as it turned out he was the one being tricked by the Queen and both his freak out afterwards and his beating of Moe (Belle's Storybrooke father) is both the scariest and best moments in my viewing of anything ever. To see what I mean just watch in the two links provided.