But he kept trying. And that is the point of people like me getting inspired by Cap: he was told time and time again that he couldn't help in the war, he may have even believed it himself sometimes but he never gave up. And that belief payed off since Dr Erskine was looking for someone just like Steve. A person that new his own faults but tried to get over them.
I would also like to add that a personal reason that I like Cap is because he didn't change after the super soldier serum made him strong enough to support a block that knocked a god on his back from the recoil, quick enough to literally run circles around an ex paratrooper, and had the brain capacity to memorize a Hydra map after only a few seconds of seeing it, not to mention being able to survive frozen in ice for 75 years. No the serum only gave him the physical capabilities to do what his heart was telling him to do all along.
And that is what everyone finds inspiring about Cap: that he never gave up, that he stays true to himself, and that all that awesome, that ripping logs apart with his bear hands and the muscle coordination to throw a shield like a Frisbee, was always inside him he just needed a little help from science.