And now to the main part of this post: Legend of Zelda for Wii U. A video of Miyamoto and Aonuma playing a little of the game was uploaded to Nintendo's YouTube channel yesterday and both answers a few questions and raises a few more.
First off Link is shown to use the buckler seen in the E3 trailer, (which I talked about in another post) instead of the Hyleain shield, whether this is through Character Customization or if the shield is just an item you get before the Hyleain Shield I don't know.
This game also seems to have some aspects that have stayed in only one game up until now: Link used the Sail Cloth from Skyward Sword to glide down a cliff. He also uses something similar (though unseen) to the Hawk-eye Mask from Twilight Princess. And Miyamoto (albeit jokingly) greets Link's horse with "ah, Empona, long time no see," which could mean that this takes place in the adult Link Ocarina of Time Timeline.
The world itself will also be huge, with Aonuma having to spend several minutes traveling to a location that was on the most zoomed in mode of the map. You may also be able to hunt for food, with Miyamoto saying that the whole world will be populated by animals and you can even pick and eat apples from trees. They also ran through a herd of horses so maybe you will be able to tame your own instead of an NPC giving you one.
Aonuma also hinted to the fact that they have added some sort of A.I. to the horse. Now it won't run in to trees and seems to know where to go, giving you freedom enough to fight enemies with either your sword or bow. They have also added an attack seen in the E3 trailer where you leap off the horse and shoot an enemy with the bow, all in slow motion.
Finally both Miyamoto and Aonuma noticed that when the enemies where hit they would make an metallic sound, so my theory on the enemies being robots seems to have more merit now.