As I said in my update post I'm working a summer job at Windermere Bible Camp, and with Nintendo's lackluster E3 announcement I don't have a lot to talk about in that sense so I guess I'll talk about this camp.
What I do here is mostly clean up the dinning hall and making sure none of the food runs out on the buffet lines. Its tiring but its fun and as you will hopefully see, leads to come interesting stories.
One week the campers numbered in the thousands so some volunteers from local churches helped out and were a great help but one time a group of them were standing around the buffet lines talking and I could tell that they were blocking it if anymore guests show up. I ask them to move and they ignore me, this continues for at least ten minutes until I decide to weird them away from buffet lines. So I walk down the line and when I get to the volunteers I shout: "spontaneous acid test!" And of course they just look at me weird so I just go "you failed," and saying nothing else walk away. And it worked. :)
During our off hours the staff is playing Assassin and the weapon of this round is notes. So the first night I get a knock at the door of my room on campus and I open it to see a mattress with a note taped to it. Luckily though I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time so I couldn't read the note so I just go "LOL nope," and shut the door.
It rains a lot. I don't have anything clever to say 'bout this, it just rains a lot. Its raining right now, I'm done. I'm done with this weather. I'm out/